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An expanding vision: Astarte Capital Partners - Game Changer

November 30 2017

Kicking off our November Game Changers feature is an interview with Dr. Stavros Siokos who is the Managing Partner of Astarte Capital Partners LLP - a specialist alternative co-investment platform focusing on the real assets space, with offices in London, New York, Zurich and Sydney.

Astarte Capital Partners Recognised as “Most Innovative Manager of 2017” by the Institutional Asset Management Awards

November 20 2017

Astarte Capital Partners LLP, a London-based specialist co-investment platform, has been named the “Most Innovative Manager of 2017” by the Institutional Asset Management awards.

Astarte: Aligned, Innovative, ESG-conscious, Co-Investing in Real Assets

October 31 2017

The fee structure is not the only innovative aspect of Astarte, which invests in niches that are often neglected by other asset managers. “We focus on less well understood, specialist, below the radar areas that are more operationally complex and therefore face less competition from other investors” Teresa Farmaki explains.

Most Innovative Manager Award 2017 - Fund Intelligence

October 30 2017

Astarte Capital Partners LLP, has been shortlisted for the prestigious category "Most Innovative Manager" at this years awards. 


Greek SMBs attract interest from International Funds (in Greek)

September 18 2017

Η Ελλάδα χρειάζεται επενδύσεις αναπτυξιακού χαρακτήρα στις μικρομεσαίες επιχειρήσεις της χώρας, οι οποίες είναι περισσότερο ευέλικτες και καινοτόμες, τονίζει η Ελληνίδα Fund Manager Τερέζα Φαρμάκη από το Λονδίνο. 

Astarte Capital Partners Expands its London Team and Global Footprint

July 20 2017

Astarte Capital Partners, a specialist alternatives co-investment platform with a focus on real assets, has made three appointments to its London-based team.

Executive Insight

June 30 2017

Dr Stavros Siokos is the Managing Partner of Astarte Capital Partners - a specialist alternative co-investment platform with a focus on the real assets space.

Dr. Stavros Siokos on types of alignment of interest

February 14 2017
What types of alignment of interest really make a difference and under what conditions?
